Customer Testimonials

  • "Jane was excellent in her
    organization and communication for our wedding. All flowers & arrangements looked amazing and exactly what we were after". Would highly recommend! 

Hannah & Adam

  • "We were fortunate to use Jane for our wedding flowers.  She over delivered when we let her be creative with not much of a brief!!!  Jane is an easy going, fun, warm person to work with - we couldn’t recommend her enough"!!

Jo & Ben

  • "Amazing talent and always made with true feelings too". Thanks McKay & Co Florist


  •  "Your arrangements are beautiful"


  • "The loveliest, most talented florist you’ll meet"! I had such a specific theme for our wedding set in my mind - especially what I wanted the flowers to look like. Jane was so incredibly patient & took everything on board to create the most stunning arrangements for our day. Each piece was created so beautifully & she had listened to everything I had explained, down to the very last detail. The most incredible
    florist we could have asked for! We received so many compliments about your work Jane! Still pinching myself how perfect you made everything. Thank you so much".  

Sam & Matt 

  •  "A genuine lovely lady, only met her once or twice while doing our wedding flowers she was truly awesome and extremely helpful"

Anna & Glenn